davidwg: firewood stacks
davidwg: firewood stacks
davidwg: Lovely mossy wall
davidwg: Swiss temporary urinal
davidwg: Alex - Wig Nails and I
davidwg: Scarface beach towel for kids
davidwg: This is a desirable school in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Indestinguishable from a high security prison
davidwg: Hipsters visit the Apple store
davidwg: Muir woods
davidwg: Muir woods
davidwg: Staple encrusted pole, from years of notices
davidwg: Flash mob pillow fight at union square
davidwg: Flash mob pillow fight at union square
davidwg: America - the world center of advertising
davidwg: Fresh Direct over packaging
davidwg: Nice bug-eyed heat lamp design
davidwg: Someone leaves a $6000 bike unchained in NYC
davidwg: Sivan Lewin's excellent view
davidwg: Peeps at Sivan's
davidwg: Nick Denton as in a Whistler painting
davidwg: What lies beneath NYC streets
davidwg: P1080475.JPG
davidwg: What lies beneath NYC streets
davidwg: The morning after the night before
davidwg: graffiti always looks better in pictures than in reality
davidwg: nothing gets a beating like NYC street furniture
davidwg: McDonalds with way too much signage
davidwg: NYC
davidwg: Twilight NYC
davidwg: P1000962.JPG