Gal-El: one tree hill
Gal-El: Smallville visits Southpark
Gal-El: Purity of water
Gal-El: Futuristic
Gal-El: Lone earing
Gal-El: Waiting for the Drop to Drip
Gal-El: I c what u c
Gal-El: Morning Glow
Gal-El: how the sun lights up the morning sky.
Gal-El: Light shining through
Gal-El: Splash
Gal-El: Simply..
Gal-El: Colour me happy
Gal-El: skipity skip.
Gal-El: Water
Gal-El: Tap Water
Gal-El: Show off
Gal-El: Overexposed
Gal-El: Boat in the air
Gal-El: like a fish in water
Gal-El: window of opportunity
Gal-El: Someone had a tantrum during dinner!
Gal-El: Ocean of Truth
Gal-El: "A lily of a day..
Gal-El: I touch the sky
Gal-El: Well?
Gal-El: Clownfish AKA Nemo
Gal-El: Days long gone
Gal-El: If I could live by the sea