Joana Sorino: A Silvia.
Shelby Robinson: Terrible Love
Freddy Viera: Melancholic thoughts
220495: 349/366
| Jared Tyler: 28/52 | This Little Light Of Mine. (Explored)
Rob Woodcox: A Shattered Image of the Past
The Manhattan's Rose: best thing ever
ash.hershberger: [week 43] sweet disposition
Elizabeth Gadd: Run Home
Freddy Viera: Alizee
220495: 334/366
Glenda Lissette: Mikaila - 270/366
220495: 332/366
Jessica (Fearless Photography): It doesn't matter if the stars forget us.
220495: 316/366
220495: 315/366
Evan Benally Atwood: Winter Portrait.
ginaballerina.: in between memories
220495: 311/366
220495: 310/366
Kiara Rose: Brittle Bones.