Penelopi: Buckingham Palace
Penelopi: King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of The United Kingdom
Penelopi: King Willem Alexander and Queen Maxima of The Netherlands
Penelopi: Emperor Alexander III of Russia with his wife Maria Feodorovna and children: Nikolay, Georgy, Ksenia, Mikhail and Olga (1888)
Penelopi: Queen Beatrix of Netherlands and her sister Princess Irene
Penelopi: Prince Edward and his wife Sophie, Earl and Countess of Wessex
Penelopi: King Juan Carlos I, Crown Prince Felipe and Infanta Leonor of Spain
Penelopi: King Juan Carlos I, Crown Prince Felipe and Infanta Leonor of Spain
Penelopi: Prince William and Princess Catherine of United Kingdom
Penelopi: Bourbon Family Tree
Penelopi: Crown Princess Mary with Prince Vincent and Crown Prince Frederik with Princess Josephine
Penelopi: Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle of Sweden
Penelopi: Princess Estelle of Sweden
Penelopi: King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle of Sweden
Penelopi: Albert II, Prince of Monaco, and Princess Charlene´s Wedding
Penelopi: Crown Prince Naruhito, Princess Masako and Princess Aiko of Japan
Penelopi: Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko of Japan
Penelopi: Infanta Cristina of Spain and family
Penelopi: Victoria and Felipe Marichalar, Infanta Elena of Spain´s children
Penelopi: Infanta Elena of Spain and Jaime de Marichalar wedding
Penelopi: Crown Prince Felipe, Princess Letizia, Infanta Leonor and Infanta Sofia of Spain
Penelopi: Miguel, Pablo, Juan and Irene Urdangarin, Infanta Cristina of Spain children
Penelopi: Infanta Cristina of Spain and Iñaki Urdangarin wedding
Penelopi: Infanta Leonor of Spain
Penelopi: Infanta Sofia of Spain
Penelopi: Royal Family of Spain
Penelopi: Infanta Leonor and Infanta Sofia of Spain
Penelopi: Crown Prince Felipe and Infanta Leonor of Spain
Penelopi: King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofia of Spain wedding
Penelopi: Crown Prince Felipe of Spain at the opening of The Olympic Games in Barcelona 92