_Tonto: Bearded Reedlings
_Tonto: Bearded Reedling
marsh and moor: Stoat-3944
marsh and moor: Bearded Tits_ 3755
marsh and moor: Bearded Tit_3804
paulcoltman: Barn owl (Tyto alba) 29323
steve.ray50: _J5A6152 Wren
Tuffy Robson: Merganser.
Chris Firth of Wakey.: The sexual dimorphism of the Mandarin Duck.
trawson58: Hen Harrier (female)
Chris Firth of Wakey.: Exotic Barnsley.
neilhilton65: Hawfinch
David Brooker: Water rail
Steve Ashton Wildlife Images: American Yellow Warbler
c.brisley01: kestrel
marsh and moor: Marsh Harrier_2232
marsh and moor: Bittern crash landing_2148
birdmanron: Bonelli,s Eagle Spain
labillebaude: Le Busard St Martin Les Vieux Salins 83
Chris Firth of Wakey.: Creeping a little closer to that bird feeder.
Tim Gutsell's Photostream.: Red throated diver ( gavia stellata )
Bev Bishop: Cetti’s Warbler