Patricia Ariel: Sneak peak of "Das Leben Ist Kurz" ("Life is Brief") matted and framed. Bit sad for letting it go... #patriciaariel #alexieragallery #drawing
Patricia Ariel: Love, come wing your way. Sweet bird of passage, come home to stay. #patriciaariel #wip #graphite #drawing
Emma Salas: mía.
sikks: clon 3
sikks: 04
sikks: 02
Samuel Huron: Modernism exhibit
Samuel Huron: Modernism exhibit
JulioKen: mosh,Ken e Dagson
JulioKen: TEREZOna
JulioKen: RUA CUritiba
jan0ch: Bella fría
leobraz: bike
Leiga_: Fachada completa! ;) obrigado pelo convite @elcabriton e a tds que compraram e estão comprando as camisetas nois! #elcabriton #fachada #ruaaugusta #bubbles #leiga #sp #colors Próximo trabalho p/ eles já esta no forno "Projeto 54-Carta do Baralho" :)
Suriani Art: Adore Delano Beaubourg
_ZUMI_: Africa by Night
Kiko Dinucci: iyemoja
Kiko Dinucci: OGUN 1
M E D O: Inacabado - Unfinished
SAO!: adeus menino
Rodrigo Level.: New series Rodrigo Level coming.