Gab_Deto: IMGP6801-Edit.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6805.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6793.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6791.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6787.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6779.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6764.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6759.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6752.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMGP6678.jpg
Gab_Deto: IMG_6986.jpg
Gab_Deto: Winter is coming
Gab_Deto: Sunshine blues
Gab_Deto: IMGP6222.jpg
Gab_Deto: Life into the Sea
Gab_Deto: IMGP6203.jpg
Gab_Deto: Sardinia's woman
Gab_Deto: ..In God's hands
Gab_Deto: Water, simply water
Gab_Deto: The Inner voice, before the Mask
Gab_Deto: La scomposizione dell'essere
Gab_Deto: Different shapes of Blue
Gab_Deto: Bethween hope and faith...
Gab_Deto: Great Grey Owl ~ Strix nebulosa
Gab_Deto: Sea and the Human beigns
Gab_Deto: Light, Sea and Bike
Gab_Deto: Sunset in the North East
Gab_Deto: Iron Seagull @ Sunderland
Gab_Deto: National Glass Center @ Sunderland
Gab_Deto: Welcome Tavern