arkansas traveler:
Dscn0001 JJH Daisies & Coneflowers 7-29-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0026 White Daisies Galore at JJH 7-12-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0032 White Daisy, Metallic Fly & Friend 6-12-05
arkansas traveler:
Dscn0009 JJH Wet White Daisies 7-1-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0031 Stack of Daisies & the Fly 6-12-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0010 Antie Gerbera 6-11-04
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0024 Orange Gerbera Daisy 9-11-04. jpg
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0018 Damselfly Not in Distress 8-8-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0032 Daisy Feeder 6-18-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0033 Sunsetter 6-18-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0013 Daisy Feast 10-20-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0045 Bee Mine 9-4-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0002 The Pollinator 8-21-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0017 Damselfly on Rudbeckia 8-8-05
arkansas traveler:
Dscn0034 Bee on Mexican Sunflower 9-4-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0004 Are You Talkin to Me 7-15-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0084 Red Spider White Daisy 6-3-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0121 Hoverfly Daisy Pitstop 7-27-04
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0048 You Are Getting Sleepy ... 6-4-05
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0005 New Sunflower with Mosquito 7-23-04
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0032 Pitstop 7-18-04
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0015 Spider in the Sunflower 8-11-04
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0013 Hoverfly Nirvana 8-1-04
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0005 Two Waning Rudbeckias with Deep Orange Detail 7-24-04
arkansas traveler:
009_16A Neighborhood Rudbeckia 6-27-04
arkansas traveler:
six sunflowers
arkansas traveler:
wet daisy
arkansas traveler:
red cosmos
arkansas traveler:
008_17 Old Lyme Rudbeckia 7-27-04
arkansas traveler:
DSCN0015 - A Plethora of Yellow Daisies 6-26-04