arkansas traveler: inside the canna
arkansas traveler: Center of the Lily Universe
arkansas traveler: Inside the Canna
arkansas traveler: DSCN0119 Canna Cava - 8-21-04
arkansas traveler: White Lily
arkansas traveler: DSCN0020 Pleasant Street Yellow Lily 6-6-05
arkansas traveler: DSCN0009 Tiger Lil 7-10-05
arkansas traveler: DSCN0056 Pollen & Pollenator 7-16-05
arkansas traveler: DSCN0161 Katydid in Decaying Lili 8-5-05
arkansas traveler: DSCN0001 Inside the Speckled Yellow Canna 8-13-04
arkansas traveler: DSCN0010 Orange & Yellow with Spots 8-6-05
arkansas traveler: DSCN0042 Pistil Packen' Lily 7-2-05
arkansas traveler: DSCN0007 Lily Pistils 2-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0021 King of Lily Mountain 5-20-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0004 Damn the Torpedoes 6-20-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0055 Lily Hopper 7-1-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0021 Goodbye Lily 7-5-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0059 Melt Down 7-26-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0116 Ridem Cowboy 7-29-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0044 I Can't Take the Suspense 6-30-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0022 Living on the Edge 7-19-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0031 The Eensie Weensie Spider 7-19-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0042 Beetle in Dying Lily 7-20-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0052 Dawn of a New Day 7-26-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0022 Living on the Edge 7-19-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0100 Yee, Haw 7-29-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0146 Because It's There 7-23-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0026 Beauty & the Beast 7-5-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0150 Open Up & Let Me In 7-23-06
arkansas traveler: DSCN0002 Daylily Perch 6-20-06