G Slice: Rings.
G Slice: upload
G Slice: Pendry Infinity Mirror
G Slice: upload
G Slice: Octopus tube amp
G Slice: KGD finally found the elusive G-Spot, aight...
G Slice: Not bad seats, especially considering that they were free... Hit me up if you're at the game!
G Slice: While you may be thinking to yourself "That's a puppy", you would be incorrect. This is in fact a highly advanced, tactical "Chick-Magnet"... #CaneCorso #puppy #ChickMagnet
G Slice: Wish this cute little bugger belonged to me... #CaneCorso #puppy
G Slice: Czar. #CaneCorso #puppy
G Slice: My new best furry buddy, Czar. Unfortunately, no, he's not mine…
G Slice: Rar! #CaneCorso
G Slice: My bud's 14-week old Cane Corso puppers, Czar. Look @ dat face!
G Slice: This is what we did on election night. (@yadnivek had the N/A juice, tho)
G Slice: Obligatory self-aggrandizing post showing I was just so awesome for doing my civic duty. See y'all kids in the resulting apocalypse...
G Slice: My family is looking after this scruffy tripod dog for a while. #threeleggeddog
G Slice: Lovely Jone's Falls
G Slice: Stainless.
G Slice: Back in Bmore, hon.
G Slice: Rings.
G Slice: Tube.
G Slice: Port Deposit Stairway
G Slice: Was too busy rocking the fuck out to whip out my Tiny Glowing Screen to capture anything but this one still of the epic @gwatsky show in Bmore. What an awesome gig!
G Slice: How generous... #freechair
G Slice: Dunno what it is about this rundown shack, but it fascinates me for some reason...
G Slice: Thanks to my good man @yadnivek , he took me and Blackdawgs cremains around to our favorite swimming spots from back in the day. Now my best buddy gets to be swimming in all his favorite places.
G Slice: This guy gave me 14 years of love & happy memories. I will miss him dearly.
G Slice: '97 Camry door for sale... Great condition! Hit me with best offer...
G Slice: #mast
G Slice: Stack.