Guillermo Alessandri: Catched by the Light
Guillermo Alessandri: Welcome to the Matrix
Guillermo Alessandri: Guayaquil covered in dark
Guillermo Alessandri: La Casita en la Pradera
Guillermo Alessandri: Sister Erin against the wall
Guillermo Alessandri: Don't look back
Guillermo Alessandri: Trini + Juan Pablo
Guillermo Alessandri: Behind smoke there is ROCK
Guillermo Alessandri: Impacted by love
Guillermo Alessandri: Strobist on my backyard {2/2}
Guillermo Alessandri: Strobist on my backyard {1/2}
Guillermo Alessandri: Amor, copete y cigarro
Guillermo Alessandri: A whole life ahead of her
Guillermo Alessandri: Recuerdo que...
Guillermo Alessandri: La Mano Ajena
Guillermo Alessandri: Time surrounds you
Guillermo Alessandri: Mi hermana se casa!
Guillermo Alessandri: Torres del Paine Up Close
Guillermo Alessandri: Torres del Paine
Guillermo Alessandri: Time to think
Guillermo Alessandri: El sufrir intelectual
Guillermo Alessandri: Chile - DIY Reflector/Difusor goma eva
Guillermo Alessandri: The road to Los Andes
Guillermo Alessandri: Little Huaso
Guillermo Alessandri: He's watching me