g-Off_: "I no need clean!"
g-Off_: Ball of Fur
g-Off_: "Fuck off!"
g-Off_: Friends?
g-Off_: Felt Ball
g-Off_: "Bitch took my wrapping paper toy"
g-Off_: Surprise!
g-Off_: Felt Ball
g-Off_: "I can come in plz?"
g-Off_: Christmas Present
g-Off_: Om Nom
g-Off_: Lazy Cat
g-Off_: Friends?
g-Off_: The Zoo: Day 1
g-Off_: "My paper toy now jerkface"
g-Off_: AH!
g-Off_: Friends sharing food
g-Off_: Parker built a fort
g-Off_: Uhh..
g-Off_: Christmas Present
g-Off_: Christmas Present
g-Off_: "You type, I sleep"
g-Off_: ROAR! (or yawn)
g-Off_: "I is suspicious of you..."