Furious Andrew:
Apprentice Boys of Derry May Rally 2011, Holytown
Furious Andrew:
Apprentice Boys of Derry May Rally 2011, Glasgow clubs
Furious Andrew:
New Stevenston/Holytown Orange Hall, Lanarkshire
Furious Andrew:
Portrait 06
Furious Andrew:
Furious Andrew:
East Kilbride Orange Walk
Furious Andrew:
Loyal Sons of Govan Orange Walk
Furious Andrew:
Black Saturday 2010
Furious Andrew:
Portrait 05
Furious Andrew:
Portrait 04
Furious Andrew:
Portrait 03
Furious Andrew:
Wishaw Orange Hall, Lanarkshire
Furious Andrew:
Cambuslang Orange Hall, Lanarkshire
Furious Andrew:
Glasgow main Boyne Celebrations, 2010
Furious Andrew:
Airdrie Orange Hall, Lanarkshire
Furious Andrew:
Portrait 02
Furious Andrew:
Rutherglen Orange Hall, Lanarkshire
Furious Andrew:
Larkhall Orange Hall, Lanarkshire
Furious Andrew:
West of Scotland main Boyne Celebrations 2010, Greenock
Furious Andrew:
Whiteinch Orange Hall, Glasgow
Furious Andrew:
Gorbals/Govanhill Orange Hall, Glasgow
Furious Andrew:
Greenock Orange Hall, Inverclyde
Furious Andrew:
Port Glasgow Orange Hall, Inverclyde
Furious Andrew:
Orange Walk, Perth (after the East of Scotland main demonstration)
Furious Andrew:
East of Scotland main Boyne Celebrations 2010, Perth
Furious Andrew:
Edinburgh District Orange Walk
Furious Andrew:
Portrait 01
Furious Andrew:
Byzantine Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art
Furious Andrew:
Cafe on Byres Road
Furious Andrew:
Three tins and a carrot cake