furie's photos: from where I pee #sidekick #meandmyshadow #arthurbowman
furie's photos: I literally never print my own photos. I actually have zero of my photos anywhere in our house. That's real. The sheer JOY on jack's face when he got home and I asked him to put these on the fridge with me made my heart ache. I am a @sticky9 devoted fan a
furie's photos: it was a stay in our pjs, watch cartoons, tidy up the house, tear it all apart, fall asleep during your nebulizer treatment kind of morning 😴😴😴 #wearelikeSUPERtired #arthurbowman
furie's photos: from last night but...you get it. Happy Chanukah!! ✡💙
furie's photos: Artie was so freaking sweet with baby cousin Ellie that candy almost shot out of my ears. #butwheredidmybabygo #arthurbowman #obsessedwithmySILsgoodlight #lifewithcousins
furie's photos: Oh #elliegbowman I do love you so
furie's photos: mostly just cause I need more of this face in my feed #lifewithleobowman
furie's photos: #thebowmanboys #allthehearteyes #oldestandyoungest
furie's photos: I sleep trained Jack when he was about 7 or 8 months old. I was 20 years old and exhausted and poor with a husband working all the time and no friends and not much of a village. when Leo came around we had awful neighbors next door and never really could
furie's photos: getting into that old familiar routine. husband working Saturdays until spring. Holidays breathing down our necks. Leo turns 7 practically right after Xmas. And me just trying to be like 💁🙋🙆🙅💪 b
furie's photos: I know I'll lose followers. I know I have family who don't get it. I'm ok with that. Because in my heart and soul I believe this needs to end. We have to stop praying and hoping and waiting and wishing. It. Does. Nothing. And we are not safe. And we can s
furie's photos: me? I kept you up from 115-3am? nope. not me. you're thinking of someone else. #arthurbowman #itwasyou #tinyjerk #amiawake #kletsgoforarun
furie's photos: all of a sudden this week they have wanted to share a bed. so I figured I better document it before it passes. #allthehearteyes #jackandleogrowup #suchatinybed #howaretheycomfortable
furie's photos: seriously though. when was the last time the sun was out? #arthurbowman #greyfordays #whattimeisit #whatdayisit
furie's photos: that moment when you're all suited up rushing out the door and ask the boys if they brushed their teeth #spoileralert #theydidnt #theyneverdo #everymorning #thebowmanboys #illmissthissomeday #butstilltiredAF #hashtaghashtaghashtag
furie's photos: ewwww Monday I'm so mad about you. more sweet, slow family time please. #arthurbowman #somuchfood #somuchnapping
furie's photos: a wee boy who likes his hair long and wanted to see what a pony tail would look like and then my heart went like 💔 and my eyes went 😍 #lifewithleobowman #boyscanhavelonghairtoo
furie's photos: two thanksgivings under our belts (or over according to my food gut) one cooked by my in laws one cooked by us. so much good food. so much of that real good family time. but I have lost all inspiration, haven't touched my camera in weeks and my phone came
furie's photos: 🌹💦#furieontherun #latebloomers
furie's photos: it wasn't pretty, but it happened. #theweekendandtherun #furieontherun
furie's photos: husband home sick with strep. after a night of sleeping on the couch so he could toss and turn with fever and a weird 130-330am wake up for Arthur today was like give me the biggest coffee and all the sillies. #arthurbowman #blackandwhitetohidemytiredtire
furie's photos: in his favorite spot between the couch and the window #arthurbowman
furie's photos: i gave myself more than 100 reasons not to run today. i don't know how to care about myself. i was going to write a whole thing about why running is saving me right now. but i popped my headphones on and @macklemore 's song hold your head up came on...so
furie's photos: guys...I really miss this #arthurbowman #lastbaby #takemeback #toallmybabies
furie's photos: 330 pm // 2 miles ✔️ #furieontherun
furie's photos: hashtag editing cave #furieontherun
furie's photos: #furieontherun
furie's photos: here is one sweet boy who enjoyed natures nebulizer this morning while I ran two miles. here is his little mischievous smile that I haven't seen since Saturday (omg roid rage is REAL y'all) there is the dent he put in his forehead 5 minutes after we got h
furie's photos: what a marathon. haven't slept in what feels like days. just got home from the ped because Artie got labored again and needed another steroid shot. but tonight...all my littles are tucked in their beds and the big brothers have just been beyond amazing. f
furie's photos: Update : first. thank you all so much. this community as I have said time and time again is a life line for me and has so many times before made me feel remarkably less alone. we were admitted over night because he didn't quite respond to initial treatm