Louise Denton: Lee Point storm
A.J. Haverkamp: 2017-05-14-10h08m16.BL7R2167
petefoto: Hatching
www.antoniogaudenciophoto.com: Park of Nations Lisbon Portugal
Bernhard Sitzwohl: Magic venetian dawn
petefoto: Trio
@davidgutierrez.co.uk: Light Symphony - Hong Kong
Corinaldesi Roberto: ❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘❘man❘❘❘❘
Ho's Photog: African Spoonbill
Gary8444: Aaron Staniforth - Honda CBR
hbp_pix: Walking Iris
Blende1.8: down the tube
JW-fotografie: Pelikaan - 0261008
. Ray in Manila: Butterflyfish?
poludziber1: flying selfie
Thomas Heaton: Star of the Show
zapicaña: Faro de Gardur
Joel Tjintjelaar: Force of Life - Pushing Boundaries I
vulture labs: Mantis
vulture labs: PWC Frankfurt Study
Martika64: Yellow spring
Thierry Laurent , Le Tréport: 01102017-KX0A0655-6
Kaede Wu: 魚鷹心灑 ( 鶚 )