safetysession: Room of James Turrell
a j u: Hello
merec0: ajigasawa (12)
a j u: とべ動物園 アシカ 
noriko's photos: The harvest moon
a j u: The omelet which I steamed
a j u: measure the weight
a j u: jiro
katsumy: Whom do you fight against?
21MA: P1070468
noriko's photos: I wait for time to open
a j u: I eat a launch here
a j u: あみだくじ  amida lottery
shellfish: i love potatoes
CharlieBrown8989 aka Charlie C Tan: You'll Are Sweet & Cool!!
noriko's photos: Japanese sweets in June
junku: IMG_7445
rahen z: the door that doesn't open I / 開かずの扉
21MA: P1060563
21MA: P1050936
a j u: gazes
tearoom: Sleeping dog 2
yashiroppe: Curry noodle
rahen z: whispering / mimi-uchi
a j u: 枡  Measure
21MA: P1040904
rahen z: still rolling / まだ回転中