Jamie Felton Photo: Black-bellied whistling duckling "Some day I'll fly "
coach48: **Cerura vinula**
John&Fish: #715天鵝暗護
John&Fish: #727 白鶇晗桐
John&Fish: #734 黃腹霓桐
crayencurt: Sensaciones.
Antonio Martino Cicerale: BRUCO DI SATURNIA PYRI: Esuviazione all'ultimo stadio
JRIDLEY1: Dew Buck
jjrestrepoa (busy): Fountainea nessus
Antonio Martino Cicerale: Bruco di Saturnia pyri: Esuviazione all'ultimo stadio
Kawsy: Ancema blanka blanka (Silver Royal)
Ilja Kalle: Look!
Linz27: Male Orange-tip butterfly -Anthocharis cardamines
John&Fish: #684 小綠綠雅
chiyuanhou: 全国各族人民的心愿。
DrPhotoMoto: Elfin Eggs
John&Fish: #638 小翠騰獲
feenixfotography: Spotted Bee Balm
pieceoflace photography: Meet the Admiral...
Roberto_Aloi: Dressed to Impress
David d'O / Schaapmans: Lined Leaf-tail Gecko - Exotic Reserve Peyrieras, Madagascar
jjrestrepoa (busy): Polilla coloreada / Colorful moth (Idalus herois)
wolfwalz: LEUCANELLA
wolfwalz: LIMACODIDAE.
chang64330: 高山沙參
ggallice: Pipevine swallowtail caterpillar