fugufish: Saturday nights with Mom - Beer from a ziploc bag
fugufish: Mmm... Whole red snapper
fugufish: Victoria's favorite spokesmodel is still going strong at the Hong Kong international airport
fugufish: It's hard to believe that there are places like this on Hong Kong Island
fugufish: The view would be so much better without the Gong Kong smog that's been covering the island for my whole stay!
fugufish: Historic center of Macau
fugufish: Unbelievably crowded
fugufish: Chinese Temple
fugufish: It's shocking how dense everything here is!
fugufish: The ruins of St. Paul's Cathedral are super crowded
fugufish: Happy 2012!
fugufish: Hong Kong Double Decker Trams are Fun!
fugufish: More trams!
fugufish: Hong Kong New Years Eve. It's crowded here.
fugufish: The view from Victoria Peak. Victoria was here.
fugufish: JUMBO!!!
fugufish: View from the hotel
fugufish: Durian! Apparently there are several varieties. I tried two and they tasted remarkably different from one another.
fugufish: Jackfruit
fugufish: Eating in the rain
fugufish: Rafflesia, the World's biggest flower species, in the wild!
fugufish: Tea fields as far as the eye can see
fugufish: Cloud Forest
fugufish: Breakfast in Chinatown
fugufish: Hindu temple in Chimatown
fugufish: The houses here are a really interesting combination of colonial and Chinese.
fugufish: In case you can't read the little thin in the corner, that's "Fastest Coconut-Piercing With Finger" Yes, I saw this man perform.
fugufish: Cool espresso shop in a VW Van