Rather Salty:
rob, me, josie's
Rather Salty:
studious contemplation
Rather Salty:
half smile of mom in subway
Rather Salty:
dougie with compressed smirk
Rather Salty:
my teacher sweats A LOT
Rather Salty:
befuddled while chewing pasta
Rather Salty:
baby theodore
Rather Salty:
argueing about the burger
Rather Salty:
the studio
Rather Salty:
why are you making me wear this
Rather Salty:
Rather Salty:
pool party, abe, vyo, me
Rather Salty:
Rather Salty:
staring at schmeider
Rather Salty:
me and steve
Rather Salty:
andrea's haircut blues
Rather Salty:
like a cherub
Rather Salty:
ana. she wears much makeup
Rather Salty:
three plus two
Rather Salty:
face battle. stephen being diabolical
Rather Salty:
face battle. stephen's snob face
Rather Salty:
stop it!
Rather Salty:
Rather Salty:
greg's engagement ring
Rather Salty:
a daddy ear
Rather Salty:
earring of chinese woman
Rather Salty:
'why does andrew have an earring'-dr. lam
Rather Salty:
Silvermine School of Music
Rather Salty:
Rather Salty:
manic face