Rather Salty: playing brahms
Rather Salty: from a photoshoot with nycjournal
Rather Salty: butt-ah
Rather Salty: oh deer
Rather Salty: i am a master now
Rather Salty: my broke ass contribution
Rather Salty: such an awkward smile
Rather Salty: belted and belting
Rather Salty: a breather
Rather Salty: my professor's 50th wedding anniversary
Rather Salty: pissed while practicing
Rather Salty: smarty kitty
Rather Salty: PICT6592
Rather Salty: PICT6585
Rather Salty: tattoo#2
Rather Salty: tattoo #2
Rather Salty: my fridge!
Rather Salty: yay for random sombreros
Rather Salty: a bit early
Rather Salty: she likes feet
Rather Salty: content
Rather Salty: a picnic on a sculpture!
Rather Salty: fruits
Rather Salty: it's official
Rather Salty: mom gives a concert
Rather Salty: NOSTRIL
Rather Salty: auntie and the cheese strand
Rather Salty: my first pinkberry
Rather Salty: waffle