Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Maseno University article - full
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Maseno snapshot JPEG_Page_1
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Prof Odhiambo and a colleague pose on the winning demonstration plot at the Show ground
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Innovation Champion Prof. Dida explains how the Striga-resistant seed works to members of the Innovation Engine
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Prof. Dida and Innovation Engine Agricultural Innovation Specialist Justin Mabeya at Maseno University with other innovation partners at a demo site at Nyamninia Primary School in Kisumu County in August 2015
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Prof. Dida explains seed breeding to Innovation Engine Agricultural Innovation Specialist Justin Mabeya
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Samples of the innovative high-yielding and Striga-weed resistant seed developed by Maseno University