Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: KIE Achievements by June 2017
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: KMLC tagging in Isiolo on March 15th and 16th.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: KMLC tagging in Isiolo on March 15th and 16th.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: KMLC tagging in Isiolo on March 15th and 16th.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Takaful clients from Nadhir village in Garissa County gather before an insurance payout.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: A woman receives her payout from Takaful in Saredho village, Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: A young boy hops down from a well after rinsing while camels drink from a trough in Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: A young boy stands beside the dusty road that runs through the parched village of Saredho in Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: A woman waits to receive her payout from Takaful staff in Saredho village, Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: A woman receives a payout from Takaful staff in Saredho village, Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: A camel at a watering hole in Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Camels rest on the parched earth in Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Cattle walk along the dusty, parched earth towards a watering hole in Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: A man prays as others water their livestock at a watering hole in Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Men and women water their livestock at a watering hole in Dadaab County.
Feed the Future Kenya Innovation Engine: Goats are sold at the main livestock market in Garissa town. It is the largest livestock market in the region, yet due to the drought and low numbers of healthy livestock it's very quiet these days.