Francis Storr: We had a crow like this outside our bedroom window a few years ago, except it was a 5AM wake-up
Francis Storr: Nice to see The Guardian adding VoiceOver improvements to their iOS app
Francis Storr: "Watch out for roofies" spotted on the wall outside Union Jacks
Francis Storr: Tree porn
Francis Storr: "oh that's nice, dear. And what have you called your band?"
Francis Storr: It's all about the porters and stouts 'round our way
Francis Storr: Huge truck in the HF3 car park
Francis Storr: Do you know your cuts of lamb?
Francis Storr: On the bench next to me
Francis Storr: Parenting
Francis Storr: Wouldn't you love if this were [some kind of animal]
Francis Storr: The return of the Maiden-themed tomatoes at the large farmers market
Francis Storr: Christ no fan of punctuation, it seems. Also: what?!
Francis Storr: A little heavy on the toppings, but damn that was good with a beer.
Francis Storr: Some of the instruments used by Black Prairie
Francis Storr: Black Prairie at Mississippi Studios
Francis Storr: 500g of flour, 1/8th of a teaspoon of yeast, and 12 hours.