Yures: Qué ves en esta fotografía?
Dmitriy Ryabov: The Eternal Question
JulianRBlack: Corcho
iwona_podlasinska: I will miss you (wherever I may roam)
FotoGrazio: Succulents Seamstress
Liz_photo: 嫁日 Almost Husband 💖 Wife
John Bowno: The illusion
travel Jam: Three lights - second choice for HMM (explored 25.7.17)
travel Jam: See the moon and be happy
travel Jam: Safe. Nature. Now.
travel Jam: Getting sorted
travel Jam: SadEye
fernandanidi: Arturo.
Karon Elliott Edleson: Wine stopper
Juan Felipe Gómez T: Museo de Antioquia. Medellín Colombia. Artista: Fernando Botero.
Yures: Atrapa...miradas
Bruno Malfondet: Time to share (for 7dwf)
luenreta: La silueta
Ayeshadows: around fence
Graella: Cuéntame un cuento
oiZox: Bike&Signs
jaume zamorano: ... all you need is love ...
Antonio Chac: Amanecer
Graella: María