frozenswirl: Peace 2 :
frozenswirl: Shy away
frozenswirl: goodgod! enough of Kuntal for us!
frozenswirl: much obsession
frozenswirl: self-obsession?
frozenswirl: Waccha want?
frozenswirl: Trrrrrrailing
frozenswirl: Can I tell you something?
frozenswirl: "you are the prettiest mom in the wide wide world"
frozenswirl: Lille Streets
frozenswirl: Acceptance
frozenswirl: Ewww!!
frozenswirl: Yikes!!
frozenswirl: P1050306
frozenswirl: I'm ok
frozenswirl: Say Cheeeeze!
frozenswirl: oh I'll be juuuust fine. I think.
frozenswirl: would it have been worth it, after all?
frozenswirl: sleepy snoopy goes to samba
frozenswirl: "There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck"