frozenswirl: P1120047
frozenswirl: P1120048
frozenswirl: P1120049
frozenswirl: here I'm allowed everything, all of the time.
frozenswirl: "There's always a siren singing you to shipwreck"
frozenswirl: the U in the cold
frozenswirl: sleepy snoopy goes to samba
frozenswirl: The city that turns, turns, protracted and slow...
frozenswirl: would it have been worth it, after all?
frozenswirl: time for you and time for me, and time yet, for a hundred indecisions
frozenswirl: Nothings Unusual, Nothings Changed
frozenswirl: What used to be home
frozenswirl: Purpled
frozenswirl: silent night
frozenswirl: I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old
frozenswirl: Hello!
frozenswirl: Great O
frozenswirl: *tut tut*
frozenswirl: oh I'll be juuuust fine. I think.
frozenswirl: In the waiting line
frozenswirl: “Alone, all alone. Nobody, but nobody can make it out here alone”
frozenswirl: us and them.
frozenswirl: sky burns red and the ocean boils
frozenswirl: "what is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare"
frozenswirl: P1080884
frozenswirl: P1080880
frozenswirl: Shall I?
frozenswirl: swwiirrll
frozenswirl: Was that leap into the depths any easier?
frozenswirl: "you can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me"