frozenleaves: CameraZOOM-20120330155552
frozenleaves: Pokhara - phewa lake
frozenleaves: step up your tempo
frozenleaves: time to fish
frozenleaves: downtown florianopolis
frozenleaves: domino time
frozenleaves: beams of sunrays leaking through the clouds
frozenleaves: it is life: separated in light and in shadows
frozenleaves: just fishing
frozenleaves: long way to walk
frozenleaves: copa do mundo: just a game
frozenleaves: Reflections of departing emotions
frozenleaves: time for a game
frozenleaves: time alone
frozenleaves: catch of a day in Florianopolis seaside
frozenleaves: a moment of calmness
frozenleaves: beaming rays of tranquility puncturing the dark clouds
frozenleaves: finding peace amidst all the commotion
frozenleaves: Brazil: where football matters
frozenleaves: just keep on walking
frozenleaves: Once again, it's a matter of perspectives
frozenleaves: teach what you know, learn what you don't know and have a little bit of fun in the process
frozenleaves: it's a joy to go around the country side
frozenleaves: flying high above, peacefully, under the blue sky
frozenleaves: woman in gold and full of confidence
frozenleaves: we are just shadows of our surroundings
frozenleaves: I am right behind you
frozenleaves: what is childhood? i guess, a little bit of curiosity, a little bit of smile and a pinch of naughtiness; all in all, a lot more fun