FrontlineSMS: Working on our brand and tone of voice
FrontlineSMS: Geoff and the Standup Pig
FrontlineSMS: Making notes
FrontlineSMS: DSVaneyckC_0556
FrontlineSMS: Hands up
FrontlineSMS: Bougainvillia
FrontlineSMS: Lavender and the school playing field behind the hotel
FrontlineSMS: DSC_0504
FrontlineSMS: DSC_0508
FrontlineSMS: Waving modems
FrontlineSMS: Cathryn runs the show
FrontlineSMS: Sitati taking 5
FrontlineSMS: Vaneyck and Okal
FrontlineSMS: The Stand-up Pig
FrontlineSMS: Okal, Geoff and Pitkin
FrontlineSMS: Sitati explains our platform for non-techies
FrontlineSMS: Okal's Ignite
FrontlineSMS: Thoughtful faces
FrontlineSMS: Pitkin's Ignite
FrontlineSMS: Waving
FrontlineSMS: Geoffrey
FrontlineSMS: Pitkin loves post-its
FrontlineSMS: Discussion
FrontlineSMS: Good discussion
FrontlineSMS: Awesome discussion
FrontlineSMS: PINK post-its!
FrontlineSMS: Action points