Fromage de Merde: WTAWLA - if you are in Los Angeles, please stop by....
Fromage de Merde: Cum malum nostrae tenebras mundi: dona nobis lucem. Numbs cum desperatis animis spes nobis.
Fromage de Merde: Author Photo: Gloria Villegas
Fromage de Merde: And then Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me and My Tomato-Basil Frittata.
Fromage de Merde: "The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?" -- Edgar Allan Poe
Fromage de Merde: WTAWLA - if you are in Los Angeles, please stop by....
Fromage de Merde: Los huevos de Cuaresma, los bagels de los judíos, es humilde, déjame comerte también!
Fromage de Merde: "This is a crisis I knew had to come Destroying the balance I'd kept Doubting, unsettling and turning around Wondering what will come next Is this the role that you wanted to live? I was foolish to ask for so much Without the protection and infancy's guar
Fromage de Merde: Why There Are Words Los Angeles 2/16/17
Fromage de Merde: Hunger Pangs
Fromage de Merde: “Whoever feeds on my ricotta, fungi, basilico omeletto has eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day. For my divine frittata is the only true food…” –Jesus
Fromage de Merde: Bienaventurados los aguacates... ¡Que no haya tacos vegetarianos!
Fromage de Merde: And Jesus said unto thee, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never find a dark closed diner again, but instead will have scrambled eggs for life, and none of that whack parsley or orange slices as garnish defacing the plate.”
Fromage de Merde: Frittata "Maria con il Gesù bambino della Peekaboo" di formaggio... Prego!
Fromage de Merde: Holy Kale Salad of the Sacred Heart...
Fromage de Merde: After the Day of Fools, there were eggs!
Fromage de Merde: I got a new bike...
Fromage de Merde: E pluribus unum, alio cibo reficiendus exspectaret, annum alterum peccatum !
Fromage de Merde: Vroman's Bookstore
Fromage de Merde: running...
Fromage de Merde: Tonight's Reading
Fromage de Merde: LitCrawl SF 2015
Fromage de Merde: Holy mother, give us this day our daily breakfast taco...
Fromage de Merde: Artist as a Young Clown...
Fromage de Merde: And Egg-Jesus said unto him, “Get you behind me, Satan: for it is written, You shall worship at the feet of my lumpy yellow protein nether regions and only then shall holy American shrines of bounty such as McDonalds’ server me until 10:30am…”
Fromage de Merde: Summer Reading...
Fromage de Merde: Christ, egg-cognito....