Friends of Europe: Luca Camuncoli, Head of Communication at EDF
Friends of Europe: Lauren Wilde, European Associations, Stakeholders and EURO-Mediterranean Affairs
Friends of Europe: Monica Gamba, Project Manager Assistant at the International Polar Foundation
Friends of Europe: Edyta Syslo, Chief Specialist at the Ministry of Environment, Poland
Friends of Europe: Jessica Johnson, Director of Communication, FORATOM
Friends of Europe: Lauren Wilde, European Associations, Stakeholders and EURO-Mediterranean Affairs
Friends of Europe: Julien Tate-Smith, Programme Officer at Friends of Europe
Friends of Europe: Augusta Ramaccioni, Programme Executive at Friends of Europe
Friends of Europe: Marco Franza, Senior Policy Officewr at Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico
Friends of Europe: Edyta Syslo, Chief Specialist at the Ministry of Environment, Poland