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albums of Friends of Europe
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Europe’s digital future: leading the next industrial revolution
EU-Western Balkans Summit: a renewed approach to the region
Staying the course: driving sustainability forward in a shifting geopolitical context
Europe-China Forum: 50 Years of diplomacy – Advancing EU-China relations in an era of globalisation
State of Europe 2024
President's Gala Dinner 2024
The challenge of identities
Navigating risks and enhancing resilience: charting Europe’s energy and climate pathways
Healthy ageing for Europe's future: the value of adult immunisation
AI & Society 2024: promises and perils in the next EU mandate
Europe's competitiveness: learnings from the healthcare sector
Navigating the EU’s sustainability transitions in a polycrisis world" Navigating the EU’s sustainability transitions in a polycrisis world
Healthy, resilient and stable societies: multifaceted challenges, cross-cutting solutions
In Conversation With Pascal Lamy – European elections 2024: what will the future look like?
The post-EU elections roadmap: ensuring social justice and economic stability on the path to net-zero
Ukraine: cost of inaction – What's at stake for our economies, politics and democracies
From voices to choices – In Conversation With Nicolas Schmit
Risks and solutions: how climate change is impacting our water and health
From voices to choices – In Conversation With Sandro Gozi
EU-ASEAN Forum: what can the EU learn from the ASEAN experience?
A new era for defence: In Conversation With the President of the Republic of Finland, Alexander Stubb
Friends of Europe – #EYL40 – Paris – 2024
10 Policy Choices for a Renewed Social Contract for Europe
Reframing finance: a systems-led approach to sustainable investment
“In Conversation With” Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market
The EU on a mission: rethinking governance and policymaking
EU-Western Balkans Summit – breaking the stalemate: women, youth, justice and enlargement
Global Europe Summit: green infrastructure matters for the sustainability of resilient communities and economies
Europe-China Forum: 20 years on – what’s next for EU-China relations?
State of Europe 2023
President's Gala Dinner 2023
World Energy Outlook 2023 – official Brussels launch
In Conversation With Maria Martin-Prat
European Health Summit: innovation in health for a brighter future
Friends of Europe – #EYL40 – Dublin – 2023
Capacity-enhancing innovation: strengthening Europe's healthcare systems and workforce
Climate and Energy Summit: integrated thinking for a climate-resilient Europe
Women’s economic empowerment in the Western Balkans - Meeting 3
Making Space Matter Summit
Missing pieces to a circular economy: closing the loop by reimagining consumption
Ambition versus reality: reflections and reactions to the revision of the general pharma legislation
Funding free media: new approaches to sustain the bedrock of democracy
Our world of eight billion: what does it mean for women’s rights?
Global Europe: bridging investment and sustainable development
European Young Leaders (#EYL40) Brussels seminar | #EYL40Brussels
EU-Western Balkans Summit - Transforming global uncertainty into regional opportunity.
Europe-China Forum – tackling increasing global challenges: prioritising constructive cooperation
Reimagining health systems: green, agile, and citizen-centred.
2022 - Peace, security & defence policy summit.
Seizing the opportunity for European leadership on antibiotic development and access
Women’s economic empowerment in the Western Balkans - Meeting 2
State of Europe 2022
#EYL40Lisbon - Who cares, do you care, do we care?
Beating Cancer with better environments
Making Space Matter Summit.
Digitalisation and Democracy: The role of digital in the new social contract.
Climate & Energy Summit 2022: Taking the pulse of the climate and energy crises
Europe in2030: Strengthening public private cooperation in hybrid crises - A tabletop exercice.
European Young Leaders(EYL40) — Zagreb 2022 Seminar
In Conversation with Wendy Sherman, United States Deputy Secretary of State.
2021 Peace, Security & Defence Summit.
2021 Climate and Energy Summit
State of Europe 2021
Europe’s generation R - regeneration, recovery, resilience
Shifting gears: achieving climate neutrality by 2050
Transatlantic defence cooperation in the Trump era
The European Green Deal: target 2050?
African perspectives: holding a mirror up to Europe’s migration policies
2019 Balkans Summit - It takes two to tango
Energy for Development: 10 years left to achieve SDG 7
The future of food conference
Entering a new climate dimension with space
EUROPE-CHINA • Convergence, divergence and the vital space between
World Energy Outlook 2019
EUROPE-CHINA • Policy & Practice Roundtable
Lessons from History • Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall
Closing the gender gap in STEM
Tabletop exercise : Hybrid Warfare readiness
Europe's climate and energy summit
Young Mediterranean voices & EYL40 European young leaders seminar
Quarterly security briefing #3
Africa's digital revolution: towards an EU-Africa digital partnership
Climate action: Talking the talk and walking the walk
State of Europe 2019 • Palais d'Egmont, October 17, Brussels
Transforming unsustainable land management
Policymakers dinner with US Navy Admiral James G. Foggo
Lessons from history
European Young Leaders (EYL40) Barcelona 2019
A pharmaceutical industrial strategy for Europe.
Equal access to care for rare diseases
Italy, Mediterranean Security and European defence.
Refugee integration through inclusion - EDD2019
The quickening countdown to 2030
Africa Summit 2019 - Africa Transforming
Trustees meeting • 2019
North Macedonia and its quest for Euro-Atlantic integration
A stronger alliance - The future of European security.
Sharpening EU leadership in plastics recycling
Vision for Europe
FUNKY FRIDAY #3 - Solidar
EU-Africa High-Level Group Meeting 2019
The Ripple Effect
FUNKY FRIDAY #2 Citizen Spring
EU-China Briefing: Can cooperation trump competition?
Securing the future: lessons from History
European Young Leaders (EYL40) London 2019
FUNKY FRIDAY #1 Social media for change
TownHall Europe Opening week
Educating Girls: ‘Agenda 2030’ should be ‘Gender 2030’
Pushing the frontiers of development finance
#EuropeMatters - Shaping an EU Citizens' "Mandate for Change"
It's Broke, Let's Fix It - Rethinking Migration Management
"Fort Trump" or bust? Poland and the future of European defence.
Designing future energy policies
Hybrid and transnational threats
Balkans Summit 2018
Europe-China Forum 2018
Sustainability of healthcare
Europe-China Policy & Practice Roundatble
World Energy Outlook 2018
The eurozone: an undefined future? - Conversation with Pierre Moscovici
Private Sector and Agenda 2030
Future flows - Forecasting and responding to environmental migration
Smart (dis)investment choices in healthcare
Building cyber resilience
Climate and Energy Summit 2018
EU-Africa High Level Meeting 2018
EYL40 Alumni meeting 2018
State of Europe 2018 - #EuropeMatters
Security Summit 2018
European Young Leaders (EYL40) Malta 2018
What's the scorecard on gender equality?
Nos ami(e)s au jardin! 2018
Friends of Europe Trustees meeting 2018
Women entrepreneurs spearheading implementation of Agenda 2030
Leaving no one behind - The SDG challenge of reaching the last mile
Africa Summit 2018 - What Africa wants from Europe?
Time for a paradigm shift: Listening and learning - a two-way street
Boosting migrant & refugee integration
How to spend it? - Smart disinvestment choices in health
Life at what cost? - Hard choices in healthcare
Building climate resilience
The Future of Mobility: Hydrogen and Electric
Smart investment for better outcomes
European Young Leaders Warsaw 2018
Women Peace and Security
EU-ASEAN Strategic Thinkers Forum
Terror and the City
Urban responses to refugees
Europe, Japan and Africa
Coping with antimicrobial resistance
Modern Security is more than Military Spending
Western Balkans at a crossroads
EU-Africa relations: time for a reboot
Europe's tough neighbourhood
Financing innovative housing solutions
Understanding China's soft power and influence
World Energy Outlook - Europe in global energy scene
Making the digital revolution work better, faster for development.
Europe's climate and energy summit.
A message for Europe
European Young Leaders Alumni meeting.
State of Europe 2017
European Young Leaders (EYL40) Tallinn
Nos ami(e)s au jardin!
The future of road freight transport
Meeting of trustees and guests.
Transatlantic cooperation and Europe's southern neighbourhood.
EU-China cooperation in an age of uncertainty - Summit
EU-China cooperation in an age of uncertainty - Roundtable
Innovation in the energy transition.
To achieve agenda 2030, give peace a chance
Europe, migration and development
Refugee crisis - Conversation with HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal
ASEAN in 2017 and beyond
Islam and European Muslims
Improving Access, Care And Diagnosis For Rare Diseases
Crunch time - France and the future of European defence
Financing a low-carbon economy
Migration & Integration : A cost benefit analysis.
Working group meeting : Work, skills and economic growth
Deforestation : A sustainable dilemma.
European Young Leaders (EYL40) - Lisbon
France and Germany - Driving European defence
Women and the new humanitarian agenda
Japan, China and South Korea - Trilateral cooperation in the Trump Era.
Shaping the world - A pivotal moment in research for global health
The 4th industrial revolution working group
Unlocking private sector investment in fragile states
Thailand's sufficiency economy and agenda 2030
Balkans : Boosting connections on the road to the EU
The 4th Industrial Revolution - 1st working group
The 4th Industrial Revolution - Conversation with Andrus Ansip
World Energy Outlook: Energy-mix for the post-cop21 world
Health Threats
EU-ASEAN : From words to actions.
Trade and Investment Summit 2016 (EICC)
Europe, China and Africa - New thinking for a secure century
Europe's Climate and Energy Outlook
European Young Leaders Brussels 2016
The State of Europe 2016
What next for EU China relationship?
China, Europe and Economic Transformation
2016 Security Jam
How can technology help in the refugee crisis?
Decarbonising Transport
TIME TO THINK URBAN – The challenge of building smart, sustainable cities
IMPLEMENTING AGENDA 2030 - No money, no SDGs
Disruptive models of healthcare for Europe.
What comes next for natural gas
Time for peace :Europe's challenge for Africa and Middle East
Islam and the challenge of muslim democrats
Book launch “Slippery Slope: Europe's Troubled Future” by Friends of Europe chairman Giles Merritt.
European Young Leaders seminar Marseille
EU-INDIA – Just like starting over.
Digital Skills
Disruptive models of healthcare for Europe
BALKAN PARTNERSHIPS : Strengthening the region's ties
CHINA’S 13TH FIVE-YEAR PLAN – Priorities, goals and opportunities.
Conversation with European Commission Vice President Kristalina Georgieva
Conversation with European Commission Vice President Jyrki Katainen
Digital skills for the future
Working towards a sustainable global food system
THE ASIAN PARADOX – Rising wealth, lingering tensions
State of Europe 2015
Energy summit 2015
New roads to China
European Young Leaders seminar - Dublin 2015
CYBER DEFENCE IN EUROPE – Towards increased public-private partnerships
ASEM AT 20 – The challenge of connectivity
The new geopolitics of energy
Adapting EU health policy to an evolving Europe
5th Europe-China forum
Friends of Europe - Trustees meeting
Get Europe moving - tackling the physical inactivity crisis
Conversation with EU Commissioner Jonathan Hill
Europe, India and Modi : it's time to start over.
Violence and Terror - A comprehensive solution for stopping Daesh
Building a caring world
EU-Latin America relations 2015
Women and development
Europe's job policy shake-up.
Protecting human rights.
Redesigning the EU emissions trading system (ETS)
NATO's rapid reaction force
Europe's energy union and the road to Paris and beyond
An EU competition policy for the 21st century
Mexico - a rising strategic partner of the EU
Indonesia Democracy
Conversation with Commissioner Moedas.
Conversation with EU Commissioner Malmström
The Commission's leadership and the governance of Europe
Financing for development.
Security Jam report - Reappraising global security
Health working group report launch.
Social working group report launch.
Reflections on the post-2015 Agenda.
Turkey, EU and a changing world: Meeting challenges together
Members and VIP meeting
LiveWell for Life 2014
Fiscal Discipline and Public Investment in Europe
Rethinking urban mobility
Balkans Summit 2014
Health in a post 2015 World
EU-China Forum
Energy Summit: Europe's energy outlook
State of Europe: A new action plan for Europe
Reconciling EU interests and values: A new vision for global development
Asia-Europe meeting.
European Young Leaders seminar - Rome
AFRICA - Progress and pitfalls
Europe's Industrial Fightback.
The outlook for global energy investment.
Indian elections: gearing up for a new India?
LiveWell for Life
Green week
Energy Subsidies
4th Health Working Group Meeting
On the road to Paris 2015
Investing in Africa: The challenge of agriculture
3rd meeting of the ‘Climate-Energy-Industry’ Working Group
Speeding up Europe: Towards a digital single market
EU-Japan : Ready for a new stage in relations?
ASEAN Connectivity - A role for Europe?
Strengthening Europe's health systems - Working Group
'40 under 40 best quotes'
Priorities and challenges for the G20 in Australia's presidency year
European Young Leaders seminar - Brussels
Launch working group on social Europe.
Cross-border crime and corruption in Europe: what next after the Stockholm Programme?
Preventing Violent Conflict in Africa
Western Balkans.
The Changing Energy Map
EU-China: The next ten years
Education Dinner
Ten years on : Rebooting the EU-China strategic partnership
The ‘Climate-Energy-Industry’ Working Group
Energy Summit
The EIB and Europe's global influence.
EU-India: A vital partnership in a changing world
Three's a crowd: Indonesia, ASEAN and Europe
The State of Europe 2013: Tough choices for a troubled Europe
Creating new momentum for a global climate deal
Understanding China's foreign policy
Africa's economic transformation : the role of natural resources
The industrial internet: Reversing Europe's waning productivity?UCTIVITY?
Investing in growth and development.
Economic governance : Towards a more sustainable healthcare in Europe.
European Young Leaders '40 under 40' Athens Seminar
Connecting and empowering Africa.
Saving Europe's "Lost Generation"
Healthcare in times of austerity: Boosting cost-effective prevention
Gearing up for China's urban billion
EU Emissions Trading System: The challenge of restoring credibility
Building resilience: Lessons from post-tsunami Japan
International women's day : Why women hold the key to sustainable development.
WTO: Free trade in a time of crisis - Herminio Blanco
WTO: Free trade in a time of crisis - with Anabel González
WTO: Free trade in a time of crisis - Amina Mohamed
WTO: Free trade in a time of crisis
Streamlining key EU industries: In search of the optimal balance between innovation and the precautionary principle
France in Mali: Now or never for European foreign and security policy?
Dinner debate with Adam Conner, US Presidential campaign social media strategist
European Young Leaders: '40 under 40' Berlin Seminar
Sustainable energy for all : A focus on Africa.
Balkans progress : Battling to overcome the impact of the crisis.
Reform growth in Arab-EU trade
Tackling China's economic and social challenges: A role for Europe?
Why health is crucial to european recovery?
Connecting Europe: Infrastructural priorities for the 21st century
Africa Summit
Destination Europe: Catalonia’s EU Future
A new EU energy policy for the 21st century
Iraq Energy Outlook: Policy measures for unleashing Iraq's untapped oil and natural gas potential
Europe’s industrial future: Keeping pace with the competition
The State of Europe: Escaping the doldrums, 11 October 2012
ASEM: Still relevant after all these years?
EU-Latin America relations: Turning investment into opportunity
ASEAN at 45: Regional hopes, global clout
Reforming Europe's Energy Taxation
European Young Leaders : '40 under 40' Brussels Seminar
Enhancing aid effectiveness
Europe and the Arab Spring
Dinner at the Sofitel with Mohamed ElBaradei
The Rise of the bio-based economy.
Water Security Policies For Better Access
EU-China Urbanisation Partnership
Investing In Afghanistan's Future.
EU-China HPPD - High-level People-to-People Dialogue
EU 2050: Europe's Tech Revolution
Greening China's cities (Private album - First selection from photographer)
Greening China's cities of tomorrow
One year after Fukushima: The future of nuclear energy in Europe
Eating Our Way To A Healthy Planet.
Streamlining Serbia As An Investment Destination.
PAKISTAN - Charting A Course For Revival
Democracy 3.0: Re-casting media development in response to a changing environment
European Young Leaders "40 Under 40" Paris Seminar
Encouraging Healthy Eating And Active Living In Family Setting.
Balkans Scorecard - Assessing the region's key pointers
Europe and China : Rivals or Strategic Partners ?
Europe's Uncertain Energy Future
Latin's America new dynamic, Dinner Debate
Latin America's new dynamic
The Future Of Farming.
Policies for promoting the private sector's role in development
Re-thinking the European Project
Asia 2050: Challenges ahead
Friends of Europe's State of Europe VIP roundtable and President's Dinner
Shell Energy Scenarios to 2050 - Signals and Signpost
China's 12th Five-Year Plan and Europe 2020: Creating new EU-China Synergies
Africa: Building on growth
Europe and the Asian Century
The Future of Oil : How realistic is a post-oil society?
100% Renewable Electricity By 2050?
Green Week 2011
Taming the turmoil
Europe's development policy comes of age
Making sense of the Asian century: Indonesia's ASEAN Priorities in 2011
Solar Photovoltaic Power
What Can The World Expect of the EU-U.S. Development Cooperation?
Opportunities and challenges of greening ICT
The EU's "newcomers" weigh the costs and benefits 29/03/2011
Latin America Policy Summit 15/03/2011
Steering group meeting: Asia programme
Should the EU try to save EU’s quality press?
Securing the EU energy supply
Beating the Balkans blues
Round Table - Nature of Economic Growth - 08 December 10
Combating global poverty - Norway House - 14 March 11.
DPF 2010-12-06 Food Security Seminar at the EDD 2010 at the Square.
Understanding China Policy Summit
Understanding China Dinner
Dinner debate Telefonica
China Advisory Council Meeting - Wednesday, 01 December 10
Policymakers' Debates - Tuesday 30 November 10
Café Crossfire Evening Debates on Tuesday 30 November 10
Europe's Energy Revolution Session 3 - 18 Nov 2010
Europe's Energy Revolution Session 2 - 18 Nov 2010
Europe's Energy Revolution- Session 1
An Innovative Healthcare Agenda for Europe
Roundtable Counter measures in the Balkans against organised crime and corruption
President's Dinner - 14 October 2010
State of Europe - 14 October 2010
Policymakers' Lunch Debate Just What The Doctor Ordered: an EU Response to Medication Non-Adherence
Africa 2010 Summit – Partnership Africa
National Renewable Energy Action Plans CC Lunch Debate.
After the Spanish EU Presidency: Towards a new Latin America-EU relationship?
DPF 'Future World' Evening Debate and dinner on 28 June 2010
Growing within limits? Policy considerations beyond GDP
New transatlantic trends in competition policy
DPF Roundtable Debate - Foundations and development aid: Creating a new dynamic
Session 3: Green Week 2010 conference “Biodiversity, our lifeline”
Session 2: Green Week 2010 conference “Biodiversity, our lifeline”
Session 1: GreenWeek 2010 conference “Biodiversity, our lifeline”
China Advisory Council Meeting, 27 May 2010
DPF 'Future World' Lunch Debate - 27 April 2010 - After Lisbon: Streamlining EU development cooperation
DPF Roundtable Debate - 13 April 2010 - Where is development aid headed?