Friendly Joe: Vee-Doubly Cool
Friendly Joe: the poor beetle, that we tread upon,
Friendly Joe: Don't be Cruel!
Friendly Joe: Meanwhile, back at the lab..
Friendly Joe: Kegeling
Friendly Joe: Soap Opera
Friendly Joe: Bambi digs me... :)
Friendly Joe: All I want for Christmas...
Friendly Joe: Got my wish...
Friendly Joe: Meet me in Soiled Utility in Fifteen Minutes...
Friendly Joe: Promptly
Friendly Joe: Driving back from the U
Friendly Joe: Ghost Maypole
Friendly Joe: We Stand for Baconey Goodness!
Friendly Joe: Land spreadin' out so far and wide...
Friendly Joe: Seven Things
Friendly Joe: Adios, You-Know-Who
Friendly Joe: All Employees Must Burn Hands Off Before Retuning to Work.
Friendly Joe: One o' those days...
Friendly Joe: Took thirty minutes to pay for fuel because this jerk in front of me was buying like fifty instant lottery tickets.
Friendly Joe: Charleston
Friendly Joe: I ride a Hog.
Friendly Joe: At theTransplant Superstore..
Friendly Joe: Who wants to lance that?
Friendly Joe: Running the Red 101
Friendly Joe: Brought to you by the makers of Sköl and Copenhagen...
Friendly Joe: Archeologomat Rangefinder
Friendly Joe: Schwinnnnnnn!
Friendly Joe: Need. Breakfast.
Friendly Joe: Mostly I feel like loafing