French_wingspot: Be careful, a C-130J can hide another one
French_wingspot: 737-800 Transavia with a small blue sky behind the clouds
French_wingspot: 737-800 Transavia
French_wingspot: Opening of the beast
French_wingspot: Fennec's masa taking off
French_wingspot: DSC_0639NB
French_wingspot: DSC_0815
French_wingspot: Release the beast
French_wingspot: P-40F Warhawk of the 1Lt Robert J Duffield
French_wingspot: In the darkness, the dragon bring the light
French_wingspot: Open Sky Landing
French_wingspot: Skyraider Air to air
French_wingspot: Skyraider Air to air
French_wingspot: T-28 air to air
French_wingspot: T-28 air to air
French_wingspot: Yak-3 RC3/30 Normandie Niemen
French_wingspot: Yak-3 RC3/30 Normandie Niemen
French_wingspot: PC-9 Croatia
French_wingspot: Storm dakota
French_wingspot: Chinook HC.2
French_wingspot: King Spitfire