Foto em Pauta: Tuca Vieira, Outubro 2011
xgray: chairs
André Delhaye: journey into nothingness
Michael Chrisman: Everywhere To Go
Winkelkanu - Jürgen Heckel: P026 - 23May2011
Winkelkanu - Jürgen Heckel: P158 - 20Nov2011
Winkelkanu - Jürgen Heckel: D214 - 05Feb2012
Winkelkanu - Jürgen Heckel: P209 - 05Feb2012
Winkelkanu - Jürgen Heckel: P212 - 10Feb2012
Winkelkanu - Jürgen Heckel: D216 - 30Jan2012
Gilles Monot: L1000680
Dead Slow: The sun shines out of our behinds
platonov_pavel: """"""""" 20
Colin H.: You could even watch TV
Colin H.: There's no such thing as company
yura yuntolov: that's all about ...
Colin H.: Let's talk about clarity
Ludwig Danner: UNTITLED
Gilderic Photography: Another Day Without Trains...