fregettat: Peninsula Cooters Sneaking Up on Alligator
fregettat: Osprey Landing
fregettat: Cormorant Taking Off
fregettat: Cormorant and Catfish
fregettat: Jay Hawk Coal
fregettat: Bluebird Drying Out
fregettat: Bluebird Bathing
fregettat: Solvay
fregettat: Jay Hawk Coal
fregettat: Crow Diving on Red-Tailed Hawk
fregettat: Summer Tanager
fregettat: House Finch Yellow Variation
fregettat: Waxing Gibbous Moon
fregettat: Cloud Men Passing In Front Of The Moon
fregettat: Waxing Gibbous Moon
fregettat: Waxing Gibbous Moon
fregettat: Bluebird Male
fregettat: Belted Kingfisher
fregettat: Belted Kingfisher
fregettat: First Quarter Moon
fregettat: Red-shouldered Hawk Florida Race
fregettat: Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks
fregettat: Chipping Sparrow
fregettat: Waxing Crescent Moon
fregettat: Red-shouldered Hawk
fregettat: Problem Cat
fregettat: Harrisburg Coal
fregettat: W. Tanager
fregettat: W Tanager
fregettat: Western Tanager