riese.laurenc: Weißkopfseeadler
matthiasstiefel: Coastguard
www.antoniogaudenciophoto.com: Madeira Island !!! an island with mysterious atmospheres ..
flo73400: Fin de journée sur le plateau
m@thilde.: Beach-cyclers
m@thilde.: Quiet #GetOutOfMyPicture
moaan: Spring is not So Far
MichikoSonja: There is No Place Like Home
flo73400: Estampe japonaise
dono heneman: The beginning of snowstorm
m@thilde.: cliché
David Bembic: EM032042
David Bembic: PC094790
StephAnna :-): Ghost angels on mooring posts
cherryspicks (off): in the flow of centuries
m@thilde.: In Blue
Stephanie Nicole: November Reflections at Indian Lake
Stephanie Nicole: Sunset Hill
_Bruno_Bouchard: Chemin d'automne
Erwan LE ROUX Photographe: Lumière sur la Pointe du Raz
www.antoniogaudenciophoto.com: Brooklyn Bridge - New York City - USA
Serge Zap: insta_0964
Ludovic Lagadec: Morning Ruz'
claudia@flickr: My favourite shot - zebra in full gallop
anna_dwyer: DSCF5269