xLontrax: 10 things to know if you are a SysAdmin or simply work in IT
maccymacx: Sketchnotes from #UXDiscuss Live Twitter Discussion about UX Personas (Drawn by Makayla Lewis)
maccymacx: #TodaysDoodle (No. 235) Work In Progress: Live Sketchnoting @xlontrax #SketchnoteHangout talk "Theory of Sketchnote".
evalottchen: Neil Maiden & Illugi Eysteinsson: Analogies & VIsual Metaphors
evalottchen: Day 47 - Bundi
Mike Rohde: Happy New Year from Sketchnote Army
Rachel Smith: My visual notes of @weeksonian's second talk, the art of paying attention, at #euviz
Mike Rohde: Let the book inking continue! #sketchnoteworkbook
yahnyinlondon: Acrometis - Initial Scan
DieSteph: blogst 2014 Köln
josefjer: pixum
atzu: css mess
cassiocassio: CNV00032
Talmoningers: Barcamp Nürnberg 2011
Ben Heine: Pencil Vs Camera - 32