Graphic & Industrial Design: Canadian-American Team vs. The Soviets, Montreal 1977
Graphic & Industrial Design: MONO - módní noviny (1947)
Graphic & Industrial Design: MONO - módní noviny (1947)
Graphic & Industrial Design: "As always the first - Walter Junior" (1934)
Graphic & Industrial Design: "Two wins in one day - in the first place in the air and on the ground" (1934)
Graphic & Industrial Design: OPOJENÍ JARA.... JARO...! (1934)
Graphic & Industrial Design: "Car for your Springtime - Walter Junior" (1934)
Graphic & Industrial Design: "Braking means skid danger - not with car Walter Junior" (1934)
Graphic & Industrial Design: "Such is a steel car - Walter Junior" (1934)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Poster PAX ROMANA XIV. Congressus Internationalis Studentium Catholicorum (1935)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Poster PRAŽSKÉ VZORKOVÉ VELETRHY (1935)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Horticultural Market Prague 1936
Graphic & Industrial Design: Poster MASARYKOVA LETECKÁ LIGA, ŽILINA (1936)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Poster PRAŽSKÉ VZORKOVÉ VELETRHY (1937)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Illustrated Booklet "METRO - VÝVOJ MĚSTSKÉ HROMADNÉ DOPRAVY V PRAZE" (1980)
Graphic & Industrial Design: "Rychlost a bezpečná jízda" (1972)
Graphic & Industrial Design: The Prototype Tram Tatra KT4 Nr.: 001 (1973)
Graphic & Industrial Design: The Prototype Tram Tatra KT4 Nr.: 001 Interior (1973)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Po Praze se proháněla tramvaj z roku 1973!
Graphic & Industrial Design: Sketch of KT4 (1972)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Prototype Trams Tatra KT4 Nr.: 8001 and 8002
Graphic & Industrial Design: Promotion of Tatra KT4 (1973)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Prototype Tram Tatra KT4 Nr.: 001 (1973)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Reunion of ČKD Tatra Technical Officers
Graphic & Industrial Design: Prototype Tatra KT4 Nr.: 001 (1973)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Enthusiast Saved a Tatra KT4 Prototype
Graphic & Industrial Design: Der Prototyp KT4 auf dem Schrottgleis (1993)
Graphic & Industrial Design: Prototype Tatra T 5 (1972)