Alfredo Santamaria: Two Ghosts
gseloff: Two Wood
eddissonuk: Pine marten
Laszlo Bacs: Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Alfredo Santamaria: Los Fotografos
ricketdi: Crested Owl / Duc à aigrettes / Lophostrix cristata
Alfredo Santamaria: La alfombra roja
Alfredo Santamaria: Termino de la nevada
Noelegroj (Very busy 16 Millions+views): Glaciar Leones - PN. Laguna San Rafael (Patagonia - Chile)
Kristofer Williams: 'Derwent Aurora' - Derwentwater, Lake District
Viktoria Wood: Little Sunshine
Pascal Dentan: Exploring new stars ! [in explore 23.03.17]
Alfredo Santamaria: Lago Conguillio al amanecer
~ Floydian ~: Lodalen Valley - Norway
~ Floydian ~: Schwabacher Landing - Grand Teton N.P - Wyoming
Laszlo Bacs: Riding thermals above the colors.
~ Floydian ~: The Atlantic Ocean Road - Norway
Jack Lefor: Dooley Milky Way 1.5
Laszlo Bacs: Sunset at Hamilton Bay
Laszlo Bacs: Baltimore Oriole
mallardg500: White-bellied Sea Eagle
bmse: Photographers at Work
Alfredo Santamaria: Plasticidad
s.W.s.: Lurking Frog
Alfredo Santamaria: Entre las nubes
@secadam: Via Lactea