Dave Boddington: WolfCave_L_Ha_Oiii_RGB_FInal_28Aug24
Andysea1: LDN1089 wide field
Wei-Hao Wang: M20, the Trifid Nebula
bino_george: NGC 6589, IC 1284, NGC 6590, LDN 315
bino_george: NGC 4395
bino_george: Spaghetti Nebula (HOO)
AstroPaolo: IC5146 Cocoon Nebula
bino_george: Sh2-126
syxbach: Iris and Ghost
Carlos Blázquez Rodríguez: SH2_114 - Flying Dragon nebula
bino_george: LDN 1251
bino_george: LDN 1228 and part of LBN 552
bino_george: NGC 7000 and IC 5070
Andre vd Hoeven: Barnard 150 / SH2-129 / Fireworks galaxy with comet C/2023 E1 Atlas
bino_george: M8 and M20 - The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae
Dave Boddington: Cone_Rosette_Dreyer_Samyang135_Final_25Feb23_rotate_crop_50pc
bino_george: M101 (Pin wheel galaxy)
Wei-Hao Wang: Happy 2023
yvesvandenbroek: IC348-NGC1333 2 Panel Mosaic
Wei-Hao Wang: Spiral Galaxy NGC 6946, Open Cluster NGC 6939, and Dust Clouds in Milky Way
syxbach: NGC918
Andysea1: cone crop
Andysea1: NGC7380 reworked
Andysea1: Barnard 10 in Taurus
bino_george: NGC 2170 with satellite streaks (reprocessed data from last year)
Andysea1: sh2-126 Reworked.
Andysea1: LBN 777