ututuntuma: farewell stages
dervishdesign: wild roses have surprising fall foliage
dervishdesign: end of day, end of season
dervishdesign: friday morning and winter is here!
dervishdesign: larches in late afternoon
dervishdesign: smoky skies from controlled burns to create firebreaks
dervishdesign: fall splendor in last sun
dervishdesign: Cold this morning
dervishdesign: PXL_20241117_191544781~2
dervishdesign: last leaves lingering
dervishdesign: plenty of snow on the 21 st. of november!
dervishdesign: fog cleared briefly
ututuntuma: the waxed robe
Leon vdVvdK: Autumn
brianssparetime: Architectural abstract 1
brianssparetime: Diagonals
Kate H2011: / // / \\ \\
aliceA321: The wisdom of trees.
littlefluffy77: Glencoe, Scotland
BrandonCHOU PpYY: 台中國際會展中心 | TICEC Taichung International Convention and exhibition center
shadowatroute66: Out and about with my 35mm F1.4 ai
Leon vdVvdK: Jewelry made by nature
pu5z3k: Dew eye details
thrujosephseye: Hanging on
pu5z3k: Iridescence
Eric A Lundquist: Asian Bittersweet
Martin Bärtges: Wet but colorful leaves on a rainy autumn day