David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Dracula cordobae, "monkey face" orchid blooming at home. A species from temperate climate that does not need as much freshness as other species of this genus. It is endemic from Ecuador between 750 and 1000 m asl in very humid forests on the Pacific side.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Dracula cordobae, "monkey face" orchid blooming at home. A species from temperate climate that does not need as much freshness as other species of this genus. It is endemic from Ecuador between 750 and 1000 m asl in very humid forests on the Pacific side.
David Haelterman NatureguideColombia: Dracula cordobae, "monkey face" orchid blooming at home. A species from temperate climate that does not need as much freshness as other species of this genus. It is endemic from Ecuador between 750 and 1000 m asl in very humid forests on the Pacific side.
jjarango: Dircenna dero 04 - Nymphalidae (Danainae, tribu Ithomiini)
jjarango: Dircenna dero 06 - Nymphalidae (Danainae, tribu Ithomiini)
jjarango: Dircenna dero 05 - Nymphalidae (Danainae, tribu Ithomiini)
jjarango: Dircenna dero 07 - Nymphalidae (Danainae, tribu Ithomiini)
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jjarango: Spizaetus ornatus - Ornate Hawk-Eagle - Águila-azor Galana - Águila Coronada 15
jjarango: Piranga rubra - Summer Tanager - Piranga Roja - Piranga Avejera 14
jjarango: Anteros Carausius 02 - Riodinidae (Riodininae, tribu Helicopini)
jjarango: Antigonus nearchus 01 - Hesperiidae (Pyrginae, tribu Pyrgini)
Karim -kirai-: Fujifilm XT-4
Del Hoffman-Thx 50,980,000 Views: Fujifilm XT 4 2512-Pano
jjarango: Cyanocorax yncas - Green Jay - Chara Verde - Carriquí Verdiamarillo 09
jjarango: Elaenia ruficeps - Rufous-crowned Elaenia - Fiofío Crestirrufo - Elaenia Crestirrufa 01a
jjarango: Rupornis magnirostris - Roadside Hawk - Busardo Caminero - Gavilán Caminero 07
nickybay: Glasswing butterfly (Greta sp.) - DSC_2993
Thomas Shahan 3: Chrysopsyche lutulenta - Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
Thomas Shahan 3: Phidippus mystaceus male jumping spider - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Phidippus mystaceus male jumping spider - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Paraphidippus aurantius eye detail - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Aspidolasius branicki orbweaver - Peru
Thomas Shahan 3: Phidippus otiosus male - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Zygoballus rufipes male w/ fangs out
Thomas Shahan 3: Leafhopper - Ecuador
Thomas Shahan 3: Collembolan - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Cladonota machinula (and mites) - Ecuador
Nathi.Adams: MDDEF 220513
concho cowboy: Forever Lovers :)