foto.nomadd: Steppe Family by Rostislav Mashin
gabrielangel1: COlibri Chillon - Sparkling Violet ear - Colibri coruscans
diegobohorquez7: HAPPY, HAPPY 3*2 en Heineken Todos los días de 3 - 7pm
emena Photography: Chlorophanes spiza, Green Honeycreeper, Mielero Verde
Rui Pará: Chromacris speciosa
Kurt ( Phyllium bioculatum_MG_5460 copy
David Ball.: Giddy up! Poecilosomella sp. Sphaeroceridae.
entomopixel: Termitas soldado
David Ball.: Salpingidae. Elacatis sp. ~5mm
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Female Scarlet Phaudid Moth (Phauda sp., Phaudidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Lichen Moth (Cyana gelida, Lithosiini, Arctiinae, Erebidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Tiger Beetle (Cosmodela virgula, Cicindelinae, Carabidae)
Arthur Anker: Interesting day-active cockroach from southern Brazil
entomopixel: Long legged fly
Bruno Moraes MMXIV: Diferenças entre lagartas
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Lanternfly (Pyrops cf. lathburii, Fulgoridae)
Kurt ( Pyrops cultellatus_MG_6146 copy
Kurt ( Pyrops cultellatus_MG_6149 copy
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Mahanta sp., Limacodidae) "Snickers"
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso: Caterpillar of Archaeoprepona amphimachus with parasitoid wasp cocoons
diegobohorquez7: NACHOS EDIT-6
wolfwalz: Acharia sp = Sibine sp.
Macronocturno: Saitis barbipes, la araña bailarina
emena Photography: Selasphorus scintilla, Scintillant Hummingbird, Colibrí Chispita Gorginaranja
Photographe Autodidacte.: The very lovely LEA
Janet Wight: Norfolk marshes
Kurt ( Cyrtodactylus elok IMG_9617 copy
Kurt ( IMG_6299 merged copy Systella rafflesii Forest Leaf Grasshopper
Ximena Miranda: Female (left) and male (right) of Ennya chrysura (Membracidae)
Arthur Anker: Gasteracantha sp cf clavatrix