Framed Thoughts: Tombs ...
Framed Thoughts: Tomb ...
Framed Thoughts: The wait .....
Framed Thoughts: Unpretentious ...
Framed Thoughts: Shades of grey...
Framed Thoughts: A moment of solitude ....
Framed Thoughts: Flowers of spring ...
Framed Thoughts: A day on the hills of Munnar...
Framed Thoughts: Lonely in a crowd ...
Framed Thoughts: When you photograph people ...
Framed Thoughts: Duck Walk ...
Framed Thoughts: The last look before getting into the exam hall ...
Framed Thoughts: Leaves dancing to the tune of a subtle breeze on a lazy evening ...
Framed Thoughts: Perplexed ....
Framed Thoughts: The crown of buildings - Taj Mahal
Framed Thoughts: On guard ...
Framed Thoughts: Kids ...
Framed Thoughts: Curiosity ...
Framed Thoughts: When it was about time to let go ...
Framed Thoughts: A moment in contemplation ...
Framed Thoughts: On the way to school ....
Framed Thoughts: Collecting moments, one at a time...
Framed Thoughts: Wrinkles - the service stripes of life ....
Framed Thoughts: In search of light ....
Framed Thoughts: The One ...
Framed Thoughts: 5D Mark II in a Darkfield
Framed Thoughts: Just lit ...
Framed Thoughts: “There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.” ~ Richard Buckminster Fuller
Framed Thoughts: I only ask to be free .....
Framed Thoughts: Happiness is like a butterfly .....