donsutherland1: American Copper Butterfly
owel_belisario: Fly Clapping Hands
Dieghito61: Monarca (Danaus Plexippus)
aeschylus18917: Black Kite In Flight No.1
davolly59: Sara Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius sara).
berenice29: female orange tip butterfly
Scott Schaub: Great Blue flight in morning light.
lockenkopf: aurorafalter weiblich
oneryarlys: agraulis vanillae=gulf fritillary
Kerkira: Πεταλούδα
sugarzebra: Northern Parula
madbesl: Butterfly
Hemmings Photo Tours: American Kestral
jungle mama: Tiny Nymph Lubber hanging on to what's left of the leaf!
Celestinocosta: Euphydryas maturna
janruss: Anna's Hummingbird and Zinnia
roseinthedark: Dandelion with Butterfly Wings
Jacquin-Qc: Le bourdon et l'épilobe
philfromdublin: Seagull Visiting Brixhan
davolly59: Blue Bellied Roller
jungle mama: Young Lubbers... Nymphs up close
aroon_kalandy: Feeding
Eldon Freeze: DSC_1672
jucarsancar: yan yegau
 JoesSistah: Iphiclides podalirius...
ilona912: White . . .