Nirina R.: La lentille.
Nirina R.: Les premiers jours d'automne.
PedroMadruga: 2010 ac
Mlparr61: Female Baltimore Oriole
DWImages-Daniela White: The Road Not Taken!
Brendan Dekora Photography: Baldwin Hills Overlook Pano
disneymike: Toy Story Mania!
aspenx: 蘭 - Orchid
dani.Co: Tie me!
gunnisal: Maputo mother and child
_nimz: au naturelle
Vincént: Divine Heart Of The Lord
Dan Harrod: Tree and Tracks
PedroMadruga: Delphinus Delphis
PedroMadruga: Tursiops Truncatus
Elinay: Reckon