fozziebayer: ☕️☁️ Enjoy the leftovers, everyone!
fozziebayer: Close enough! #shishner
fozziebayer: Self-portrait with Martin's Pretzel
fozziebayer: #style
fozziebayer: I've made a huge mistake. #nofilter
fozziebayer: Cute but moody.
fozziebayer: Believe me when I tell you I nearly wept when I found these Twin Marquis brand noodles while stocking our pantry with Asian necessities 15 minutes from our apartment.
fozziebayer: It's important to safely and enthusiastically label your knives when packing.
fozziebayer: Our new farmers market is 🔥🔥🔥
fozziebayer: Denver, here we come...
fozziebayer: You died of dysentery.
fozziebayer: upload
fozziebayer: We got a little hangry today.
fozziebayer: Last night at Mulberry Street Bar 📷 @kkabesss 🎤 @flannymac
fozziebayer: Earlier.
fozziebayer: Happy 40th anniversary, @smarcfish & @rmindyfish! Here's to many more years of #twinning.
fozziebayer: upload
fozziebayer: Grand and Chrystie
fozziebayer: Chocolate with peanuts
fozziebayer: Look for me if you're on the NYC Half route today! And of course it's not too late to donate to the Lower Eastside Girls Club, fundraising link in profile.
fozziebayer: upload
fozziebayer: Me and @moremaplesyrup, Edinburgh 2007 #tbt
fozziebayer: Sun's comin' out.
fozziebayer: Blizzard baking project: success. Thx for the recipe @clarkbar
fozziebayer: Not only do we not know what this card does, it's also kind of upsetting.
fozziebayer: Half marathon training doesn't stop for snow! I'm raising money for the Lower Eastside Girls Club. Kick in a few bucks, won't you? Link in profile.
fozziebayer: Hello winter
fozziebayer: Backstage pass!
fozziebayer: Williamsburg Bridge at dawn today