welloutafocus: Cheetah, Masai Mara.
alfredomoraphotography: Stargate found in Houston
Gary Randall: Aurora Behind Mount Hood
nettaphoto: pescatore
MarkLandonPhotography: The Joy Of Running II
peet-astn: sunrise just now
Mr. Shael: Clouds at Dusk
Jarod Carruthers: Rain band
Graham_Manson: Harrier
nettaphoto: Torino Porta Susa
The Library of Congress: Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California (LOC)
expatwelsh: Loch Leven reflection
f_snarfel: Camera degli Sposi, Mantegna
Vaidas M: Waiting for the Perseids
elementz: Ohau
rileyvann: chicago 3