pedroalves44: I want My Freedom!
pedroalves44: Trying to find Myself....
Benjamin John (Sorry for disappearing, I'm back! W: There's a cloud hanging over me..
pedroalves44: Mente e Corpo São IV
joao_r_oliveira: 006_DSC02332
pedroalves44: Portal para a Eternidade
pedroalves44: Tempestade que se aproxima
Rui Palha: Hot days #2
Linda Wisdom: Linda Wisdom Photography - Southbank
LJ.: Andy
LJ.: Liz.
Rui Palha: Light
Hans-Jörg Aleff: Capitain Petzel
Vincent Isler: Swing Life Away
Vincent Isler: One Last Goodbye
paulo.maxim: Running from the light
meghimeg: X factor
meghimeg: Camera con vista
P_Rocha: Alentejo minimal
P_Rocha: V.N.Milfontes
P_Rocha: Spliting the waters
P_Rocha: Sweet sunrise
P_Rocha: The pier
P_Rocha: Carrasqueira
P_Rocha: The fire still burns