Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 晩飯はねー, 手製の餃子にドライカレーだべ! I cooked homemade Gyoza dumpling and dry curry rice tonight!
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 自家製🍕 Homemade pizza
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 自家製ピザ🍕 Homemade pizza
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 大根カクテキを作ったよー! I made Daikon kimchee!
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: ミックスサラダ作った! I made mixed salad!
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 今朝は簡単に納豆ご飯にオレンジ?ピーチ🍑マンゴージュース。 I had Natto bean's and rice with Orange, Peach, Mango juice this morning.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 昨晩は担麺を作った。 I made Ramen soup with sautéed vegetables last night .
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 昨日は脊髄細胞の検査用サンプル採取をやった。ランチは中華でした。左が揚げ魚に野菜のあんかけ, 右が牛肉に野菜あんかけコンボ, 奥が鳥の湖南スタイルコンボ。魚が¥900位でコンボは焼き飯に春巻きが付いて¥600位. I was at doctor, doing biopsy of bone marrow stem cells yesterday. We went Chinese food for lunch. Left dish is fried fish with mixed vegetables
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: レタス, トマト, 椎茸のバター炒め, ブルーチーズ,サワークリームハンバーガー。 Hamburger with lettuce, tomatoes, sautéed Shiitake mushrooms, blue cheese & sour cream , pickled onion relish.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 今晩は酢豚に中華スープ。 I made Sweet & Sour Pork with Chinese style clear soup!
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 点滴治療終わって、お昼はサブウエーイの新しいイタリアンサブ。オイチー! We had new Italian Sub from Subway after my chemotherapy! Yummy!
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: ランチはライ麦パンにベーコン、サラダミックス、ウオータークレス、トマトサンドイッチ We had bacon, mixed salad, watercress and tomatoe on rye bread sandwich for lunch
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: オニオンベーグルに酒は駄目だからヴァージンメリー Onion bagel with Virgin Mary since I'm allergic to alcohol!
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: ばんめすー。 カツカレを作ったー! Din din, I made pork cutlets and curry!
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: Rhododendron is also in bloom
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 黒ジャーマンアイリス Black Iris
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 鈴蘭も咲いてます Lily of the valley is also in bloom
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 相方がミニカナデイアンバタートルテを作ったお。 Partner Charlie made mini Canadian butter tarts.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: ばんめしはビーフカレーを作ったよ。自家製の福神漬けも殆ど無くなったので又作らにゃー! I made beef curry and rice。 Home made Japanese chutney is almost gone. I have to make some more.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: ハニーハム、ジェノアサラミ、カピコラ、チーズ、サラダミックス サブマリンサンドウイッチにスイートキュウリピクルス、マッシュルームマリネ、自家製カリフラワピクルス。 Honey ham, Genoa salami, capicora, cheese , mixed salad Submarine sandwich with sweet pickled gherkin, marinated mushroom and homemade pickled cauliflower.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 点滴治療終わって朝ご飯はエッグスベネデイクトな! I had Eggs Benedict for breakfast after chemotherapy.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: ハムとグリーンピース入りセレンターニパスタ & チーズ Cellentani pasta & cheese with ham, peas.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 今晩はロール白菜のクリームソースを作った。 I made Nappa cabbage roll with cream sauce tonight.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 今晩はロール白菜のクリームソースを作った。 I made Nappa cabbage roll with cream sauce tonight.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: ライラックも咲いたお。良い香り! Lilac is also in bloom now. It smells so nice !
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: もう一本のハナミズキも遅れて満開ですよ。 Our out Dogwood is finally in full bloom.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: もう一本のハナミズキも遅れて満開ですよ。 Our other Dogwood is finally in full bloom.
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 母の日おめでとう!95歳でヒップ骨折のリハビリで頑張ってます! Happy mom's day! She is 95 and doing well in spite of rehabilitation of broken hip!
Digital Passion.US & Foto by Michio: 晩飯は冷やし中華を作ったお! ( 2人前 ) I made cold noodle tonight. ( Dish for for two )